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I received an invite link to join Blinkist with my company. How do I use it?
I received an invite link to join Blinkist with my company. How do I use it?
Written by Giuditta
Updated over 5 months ago

Your company just invited you to join their Blinkist team account? Congratulations!

Now just follow these steps to start using Blinkist as a Premium user with your team:

  • Click on the link included in the invite email.

  • If you already have an account with Blinkist, simply log in.

  • If you don't yet have an account, tap or click on "You don't have an account?" to create a new one.

  • At this point, just enter your preferred email address and password and tap or click on "Sign up".

  • That's it. You now have Premium access to Blinkist. You'll be able to log into any device you want with your account to access your team's subscription.

Please note: Not every team account requires a link to join: If you haven't received any link from your team, please get in touch with your team administrator for more information or contact [email protected].
If the link isn't working, email us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to look into it that and help you further!

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