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I can't redeem my voucher code.
Written by Giuditta
Updated over 4 months ago

We're sorry to hear that! If you're having issues redeeming your voucher, it might be due to one of the following reasons:

  • You are trying to redeem your voucher from within the app. Please note that our vouchers can only be redeemed via our website, here:

  • You are trying to redeem a voucher with an account that's already on a paid subscription: unfortunately, it's not possible to add a voucher to an existing subscription.

  • You might have made a spelling mistake when entering the code. Make sure you copy-pasted the voucher code correctly, without leaving any spaces, before clicking on "apply code".

  • The voucher code might have been applied already. Please try to log out and log back into your account to see if your status changes from "Basic" to "Premium".

If you are trying to redeem a Gift Card, please visit this page.

If you still need assistance, please contact our Support Team via [email protected] and they'll be happy to look into it.

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