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How do I delete my account?
Written by Giuditta
Updated over 4 months ago

Before deleting your account, please note the following: if you're on a paid subscription, deleting your account won't cancel this subscription automatically. Make sure to first cancel any active subscription you might have, by following the steps illustrated here.

Here's how to delete your account:

iOS and Android

  1. From the For You screen, tap on the Settings icon, in the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  3. Tap on "Delete Account".

  4. Type in 'DELETE' as indicated and finally tap on "Delete Account".


  1. Locate the dropdown menu by clicking on Account on the top-right of the main page.

  2. Navigate to your Settings.

  3. Scroll down the page and click on Delete Account.

  4. Confirm your password and click on Delete.

If you're having issues with the steps described above, you can request the deletion of your account and all related personal data by contacting us at [email protected].

Please note that we may be legally obliged under tax and commercial law to retain certain accounting-related information (in particular invoices). Furthermore, we also store your deletion request and our response (if you have requested the account deletion from our customer support) to fulfil our documentation obligations for three years. It may therefore not currently be possible for us to delete all your data. However, we only store the remaining data to fulfil our legal obligations. Once these periods have expired, we will delete your remaining data immediately without you having to ask us to do so again.

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