All Collections
What subscriptions can I get?
How can I upgrade from Premium to Pro?
How much does Blinkist cost?
Team subscriptions
Payment methods
My credit card was declined.
How can I restore my purchase?
Where can I get my invoice?
Can I share my Blinkist plan with someone else?
How can I purchase in bulk?
Do you have a lifetime subscription?
Does the subscription auto-renew?
Is there a cancellation period?
How does the 14-day money-back guarantee work?
How do I cancel my subscription or free trial?
What happens to my titles when I delete the app?
Can I access my library without a subscription?
Will the Blinks I sent to Kindle remain after my subscription ends?
Do you offer a trial? How does it work?
How can I reactivate a trial after cancelling it?
Can I buy a Team Plan with my existing Premium account?
Can I buy Blinkist Premium subscriptions as gifts for multiple people without having to buy a Teams plan?
How is Blinkist Teams different from Blinkist Enterprise?
How is my Blinkist Teams plan billed?
Can I increase or decrease the number of seats on my Blinkist Teams plan once it’s started?
What payment methods can I use for my Blinkist Teams plan?
How much does it cost to purchase a Blinkist Teams plan?
When does access to Blinkist for my team start?
How do I add or remove people from my team?
Does my Blinkist Teams plan automatically renew?
Can I cancel my Blinkist Teams subscription? How do I do it?
Can I test out Blinkist before purchasing for my organization?
If I change my mind, can I get a refund?
I received an invite link to join Blinkist with my company. How do I use it?
I still have more questions, how do I get in touch?